Ratnagiri Settlement Study
We spent a week in the Mirya village in Ratnagiri.Groups such as houses, economy, construction ,etc to focus on the respective topics. As a part of the house group,I spent most of the day in the specific house that I selected ( an old mangalore tiled house) and it's surroundings,trying to grasp and get an idea of how the structure with its form and position influences the space and the activities taking place. Plans and sections of the house giving information of each room's functionality were made.
Teaming up with the construction group,we extruded the house and showed the activities happening in each room of the house through the spatial representation of the furniture and objects kept in the rooms and also focused on the structural aspects such as type of roofing ,materiality ,etc . This in turn was placed in the Ratnagiri map , in which all the aspects that were studied in the village were put together by the whole batch.
Drawing by: Lohitha Rao and Shreeraj Narwade